What is the Difference Between SG and FG Soccer Cleats? Answer with Pics

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Soccer is a sport that requires a lot of physical activity and skill, which is why having the right gear is essential.

One of the most critical pieces of equipment for any soccer player is their cleats. Soccer cleats are designed shoes with studs or spikes on the sole that provide better traction on the field.

There are two main types of soccer cleats: soft ground cleats (SG) and firm ground (FG) cleats.

In this article, we’ll explore what is the difference between SG and FG soccer cleats and help you choose the right one for your playing conditions.

What’s the Real Difference Between Soft and Firm Ground Cleats?

What is the Difference Between SG and FG Soccer Cleats
What’s the Real Difference Between Soft and Firm Ground Cleats

SG (Soft Ground) soccer cleats are designed specifically for wet and muddy conditions. They feature longer or metal studs that can penetrate deep into soft ground, providing better traction and stability.

FG (Firm Ground) soccer cleats, on the other hand, have shorter studs that provide better grip on firm surfaces such as artificial turf or dry natural grass fields

These shoes work best in drier conditions where players need good maneuverability and quick changes of direction.

What are Soft Ground (SG) cleats?

Soft Ground (SG) cleats are a type of soccer shoe that is designed for use on wet, slippery, or muddy natural grass fields.

SG cleats have longer and fewer studs than Firm Ground (FG) cleats, which enables them to penetrate the soft ground surface and provide better traction on slick or muddy fields.

The studs of SG cleats are typically made of metal, which can further improve traction on wet and muddy fields.

SG cleats are not recommended for use on firm ground surfaces, as the longer studs can cause injury by not releasing quickly enough when changing direction or twisting.

It is important to select the right type of cleat for the field conditions you will be playing on to ensure maximum performance and safety.

The Advantages of SG Soccer Cleats:

1. Better traction and stability on soft ground surfaces, reducing the risk of slipping or sliding

2. More comfortable to wear than FG cleats, providing more cushioning and support for your feet

3. Metal studs can be replaced as needed, which can extend the life of the cleats

The Disadvantages of SG Soccer Cleats:

1. They are not suitable for all playing conditions, as they can be less effective on firm ground or artificial grass surfaces that are hard and dry

2. They are more expensive than FG cleats, as they are designed for specialized use.

When should you use Soft Ground (SG) Soccer cleats?

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Soft Ground (SG) soccer cleats are designed for use on natural grass surfaces that are wet or muddy. The metal studs of SG soccer cleats are longer than those on Firm Ground (FG) cleats, which allows them to penetrate the soft ground and provide traction.

If you play Soccer on soft ground surfaces, such as fields that have recently been watered or muddy fields like in the image above, then SG cleats are the best choice.

They will help you maintain your footing and prevent slipping, improving your performance and reducing the risk of injury.

What are Firm Ground (FG) cleats?

Firm Ground (FG) cleats are a type of soccer shoe that is designed for use on natural grass pitches with firm ground surfaces. These cleats have smaller and more numerous studs, which are generally evenly distributed across the soleplate of the shoe.

This makes them ideal for providing excellent traction and stability on firm ground surfaces, allowing players to maintain control and speed on the field.

Additionally, FG cleats are typically lighter and more flexible than other types of soccer shoes, which can help to reduce fatigue and improve performance over the course of a game.

The Advantages of FG Soccer Cleats:

1. Better traction and stability on firm ground surfaces

2. More versatile and can be used on a wider variety of playing surfaces

3. Usually less expensive than SG cleats, making them more accessible to amateur players

The Disadvantages of FG Soccer Cleats:

1. Less comfortable to wear than SG cleats, providing less cushioning and support.

2. They are less effective on soft ground or wet artificial grass surfaces, limiting their use in certain playing conditions.

3. The molded studs are not removable, which may require more frequent replacements.

When should You use Firm Ground (FG) Soccer cleats?

Firm Ground (FG) soccer cleats are designed to be used on natural grass or artificial grass surfaces that are firm and dry shown in the image below.

These surfaces are typically found in outdoor soccer fields, where the grass is well-maintained and there is no standing water or mud.

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FG soccer cleats have shorter and more studs than Soft Ground (SG) cleats, providing better traction and stability on firm ground surfaces.

This can help you move and change direction easily, which is important for soccer players who must be agile and responsive on the field.

You should use FG soccer cleats when playing on firm ground surfaces, such as natural grass or artificial dry and well-maintained grass.

If you try to use SG soccer cleats on these surfaces, you may find that the longer studs sink into the ground too much, making it difficult to move or change direction.

Comparison of SG and FG soccer cleats:

Several key factors must be considered when comparing SG and FG soccer cleats. Firstly, it’s important to understand the differences between the two types of cleats.


SG cleats provide better traction on soft ground surfaces, while FG cleats provide better traction on firm ground surfaces.

SG cleats have longer and fewer studs, which can grip the soft ground and prevent slipping. FG cleats have shorter and more studs, which can provide more stability on firm and soft ground fields.


SG cleats are generally more comfortable than FG cleats, providing more cushioning and support for your feet. SG cleats have thicker soles and more padding, which can reduce the impact of running and jumping on soft ground surfaces.

FG cleats have thinner soles and less padding, providing a more responsive feel but can also cause discomfort on harder surfaces.


SG cleats are generally more durable than FG cleats, as the metal studs can be replaced. This means that SG cleats can last longer and be more cost-effective in the long run.

FG sg cleats tend to have molded studs that are not removable, which means that the entire cleat may need to be replaced if the studs wear down or break.


SG cleats are generally more expensive than FG cleats, as they must have more materials and are designed for specialized use playing Soccer.

SG cleats also must be more maintained, as the metal studs must be checked and replaced. FG cleats are generally less expensive and more versatile, as they can be used on various playing surfaces.

Conclusion on Which is better

The choice between SG and FG cleats depends on the player’s playing conditions and personal preferences.

I personally feel Firm ground cleats are better for playing because FG cleats can be used on both SG and FG ground surfaces, while Soft ground cleats are only useful on wet or muddy surfaces as well as more expensive and require more maintenance.

on the other hand, FG cleats are generally less expensive and more versatile cleats.

Importance of choosing the right type of cleats

Choosing the right type of soccer cleats is important for several reasons:

1. Wearing the wrong soccer cleats can cause problems. If you pick the wrong type, you might slip or slide on the field and not be able to play your best. Plus, you could get hurt if you wear the wrong cleats because soccer needs you to run, jump, and move.

2. If you choose the right cleats, you might save money, too. Soccer cleats can cost a lot, so if you pick the right ones, you won’t have to buy new ones as often.

Final thoughts:

Choosing the right type of soccer cleats is important for improving your performance and reducing the risk of injury. SG and FG cleats are designed for different playing surface conditions and have their own pros and cons.

You can choose the right one for your needs and preferences by understanding the differences between these two types of cleats.

We recommend trying different types of cleats and testing them on different playing surfaces to find the best one for you.


Can I wear SG cleats on firm ground?

While it is possible to wear SG cleats on firm ground, it is not recommended as they can be unstable and cause injury. The longer studs on SG cleats are more likely to get stuck in the ground on firm surfaces, leading to twisting or ankle injuries. FG cleats are designed to provide better traction and stability on firm ground.

Can turf shoes be used on natural grass fields?

Turf shoes are designed for playing on artificial grass surfaces and are not recommended for use on natural grass fields. Unlike SG cleats, turf shoes have short and many rubber studs that are not suitable for providing traction on natural grass.

How are FG cleats different from SG cleats?

FG cleats, or firm ground boots, are soccer cleats designed for playing on firm ground surfaces, such as dry or hard natural grass fields. Unlike SG cleats, FG cleats have shorter and fewer studs, providing more stability on these surfaces.

Can SG cleats be used on firm ground surfaces?

While SG cleats are designed for playing on soft ground surfaces, they can also be used on firm ground surfaces. Yet, the longer and more many metal studs may not be as stable as FG cleats and can be damaged on hard surfaces.

Which type of cleats are recommended for playing on natural grass fields?

For playing on natural grass fields, we recommend using SG cleats or FG cleats, depending on the condition of the field. SG cleats are better for wet or muddy fields, while FG cleats are better for dry or hard fields. Choosing the right type of cleat is important to prevent slipping and injury.

What are soft ground boots?

Soft ground boots are a type of soccer cleat designed for use on soft, muddy, or wet natural grass pitches. They usually have longer studs to provide better traction and stability on soft ground.

How can I choose the right pair of soft ground boots?

Choosing the right pair of soft ground boots depends on your playing style, position, and personal preferences. Look for boots with durable and comfortable materials, good support, and the appropriate stud configuration for the playing surface.

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